How much more.

As a believer, quiet time looks different for everyone. Some people prefer the mornings, Hot cup of coffee in hand and worship music playing in the background. Whatever they can use to disconnect from the distractions of this world and truly connect with their father. For me, my most spiritually connected quiet times are when […]

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Leap with me.

LIFE UPDATE!!! I recently moved 800 miles away from my home and all my people to Washington, D.C! Hints the title of today’s conversation “Leap with me”, and boy did I leap. I’ve been in our nation’s capitol for almost a month now, and there is no lack of faithfulness and providence from God in […]

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The Christian battle with contentment

“For I have learned in every situation to be content” Philippians 4:11. This was the verse I stated over and over again in my head throughout 2021. I had chosen the word “Content” as my word for the year and Philippians 4:11 as my banner verse. I prayed that verse over my year, my school […]

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Leaning into your season of Hard

Seasons. They come and go like the wind in the trees. The next one comes before we realize the beauty of the one we are in. There are seasons of my life that I can look back on and see God’s handprints in every single moment and detail. Ironically the times when I can see […]

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A letter to 2018 Bailee

Congratulations! You made it. Four years flew by so fast. Faster than your 18-year-old bright-eyed and bushy-tailed brain can fathom. You had some great times, made lifelong memories, challenged yourself in more ways than one and you became the 22-year-old that is writing this letter to you today. I must admit, we don’t have a […]

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