
Welcome to my blog, My name is Bailee Sneed a recent college graduate and a single 23-year-old girl who is navigating her 20s with a constant pursuit of Christ in a world that pursues everything else. I prayed over this blog for weeks and asked the Lord to lay on my heart the perfect name for it. A name never came, but a verse did. Psalm 27:13 “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the living”.

So that is what I want to do here. A place where I talk about the hard things while seeking the goodness of the Lord in every situation. My hope is that through every season of my life, good and bad, I can take what the Lord has taught me and share it here in order to help someone else. My prayer is that it is glorifying to the Lord and his Kingdom in every way. Thanks for reading along, May you see the goodness of God in your story today.